English Blikopener Card-game
With this Blauwprint® Blikopener card game, you get to know yourself and your fellow players better. You can play six different game formats with these Blikopener cards, and who knows, you might even create your own variant. Play this game solo or in a group. You might hear or see things you were not yet aware of. Use this Can Opener card game during a team session, coaching, or training. You can also use these cards with friends or family to deepen your connection. These 55 animal cards briefly describe specific characteristics. Each animal tells us something about ourselves. They represent (by themselves and in combination with other animals) a certain power. There are also two blank cards for additional animal symbols of your own choice.
Description: Blikopener card game with 6 game variations.
Content: 55 different animal cards and 2 blank cards, with game instructions for 6 variations.